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Look at the most viewed movies at Fapster

Looking at the most viewed movies on Fapster you get an understanding of what makes a video popular or not popular. In reality, it really just comes down to the girl or the girls for that matter who are appearing in the scene.

I know I wouldn’t watch a video that I didn’t find the girls attractive in. It just wouldn’t be able to turn me on and isn’t that why we stream porn online to see girls that make us stand to attention? you bet it is and with so many different videos to watch there is no reason why your cock shouldn’t already be balls deep in action.

I’d like to take this chance to thank all the girls that have given me so much over the years. If it wasn’t for them I doubt my cock would be as satisfied as it is. That is a good thing to know because if we don’t have a little satisfaction in our lives what is the point of living?

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